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Daughter of the King

Hello Prism Princesses! I know I haven’t written to you all in a while, but I wanted to write this newsletter to share just how thankful I am for all of your love and support throughout this journey. It has been a little over a year since Peacock Prisms began, and God has poured out the MANY blessings over this business and the people involved in it. I am so blessed to have met all of you through this business, and I truly believe that jewelry is what brings us together, but God is what orchestrated these divine connections.

I have met so many tremendously strong women of all walks of life. There are cancer survivors, women who have experienced tremendous loss, spiritual warriors, teachers, fitness experts, cooks, fashionistas, business professionals and much more. Women who are kind and courageous. Women who take time to listen and who love their children. Women who are planning a great future for themselves and their families and who work hard to see their dreams come true. These are the women who wear my prisms, and I am so honored to have these types of women decked out in my creations. Strutting their stuff! You know, God created all of us to be confident and walk boldly through this life knowing who we are. But most importantly, I think we need to know WHOSE we are. Yes, we should have a clear idea of our identity, but there is no use in that if we do not know the force who gave us our identity. He is the Great I Am, the Prince of Peace, God with Us, the Alpha and Omega… Yahweh. God with Us. We knew Him before this age, and we will return to Him again. If we mediate in the stillness, I am sure some of us can remember knowing Him before we were on this Earth. I think that FACT is the most important thing to know each day as we get up and start our day. We are His. It gives us the power to move through the uncertainty and push through the pain. It soothes the heartache and replaces it with unspeakable joy. The truth of God’s love is the strongest force you can ever experience. It will shake your perception of your life until you are compelled to lay it at His feet. Once you experience that force, your life and what you want doesn’t matter anymore. It becomes all about Him and His will. You will begin to say, “Thy will be done.” That is the best feeling. Knowing that you can be out of control and loving every second of it. I encourage you to keep up the good work. I guess you could call this a “Prism Pep Talk”. Keep being true to yourself. Get to know your spirit by getting to know your God. Replace the sin with the sweetness of heaven. Take care of yourself and enjoy each day. Like my good friend Laurie says, “Look at your feet and where you are at this moment. Smell the roses.” Stop looking towards the future and live in the now. We only have today. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, I thank you for every individual reading this right now and even the ones who are skimming through. I ask that your presence penetrates their hearts and becomes so real. Help us become your innocent daughters that you have called us to be. Replace the heartache with healing. Take care of the unspoken issues and bottle up our tears. When we don’t know what else to pray or can’t find the words to say… let us just speak Your name. Bless them in their families and their businesses or places of work. Keep them safe and healthy. Turn their frowns into smiles as they continue to learn their true identity in YOU. Thank you for their lives, thank you for loving us, and thank you for the opportunity to accept Your Son, Jesus into our hearts so that we may live and reign with Him forever. Amen

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